Monday, February 16, 2015

What One Artist Does To These Dolls Will Give You The Serious Creeps

Baby dolls are creepy as is, but one artist apparently felt like we all could use a bit more definition to our nightmares. With the help of some acrylic paint, redditor NovelistResearcher takes abandoned dolls and turns them into monsters. Check out his most recent creation, this zombie baby. (Zombaby?) It’s sure to haunt your dreams for a while.

Before. Already mildly creepy.

Before. Already mildly creepy.

After. Full blown night sweats.

After. Full blown night sweats.

Its face is like a murderous hunk of cottage cheese.

Its face is like a murderous hunk of cottage cheese.

(source Imgur)

His use of coloring is actually pretty amazing. That said, I really hope this guy doesn’t have children. If he does, they must really hate their toys.

What One Artist Does To These Dolls Will Give You The Serious Creeps

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