Monday, February 16, 2015

People Walked By This Old Church Every Day, But Had No Idea What Was Inside

For many rural locations, the town church is still the center of everything. It’s not only a place of worship, but also a place for families to socialize and develop the community. However, what happens to the church when the congregation stops showing up on Sundays?

Freaktography, a photographer and urban explorer known for his pictures of neglected buildings, recently came across this abandoned church still standing in a small Ontario town. The images he captured give a haunting look at a house of worship…without the worship.

The church is actually well maintained on the outside. The grass is mowed and people regularly lay flowers upon the nearby gravestones.

The church is actually well maintained on the outside. The grass is mowed and people regularly lay flowers upon the nearby gravestones.

But once you get inside, you realize this house of worship has been Godless for years.

But once you get inside, you realize this house of worship has been Godless for years.

The pews are empty.

The pews are empty.

This piano is probably very much out of tune.

This piano is probably very much out of tune.

“There is a Name I love to hear/I love to sing its worth/It sounds like music in my ear/The sweetest Name on earth”

“There is a Name I love to hear/I love to sing its worth/It sounds like music in my ear/The sweetest Name on earth”

The church is actually a hundred years old. The bible looks about that old, too.

The church is actually a hundred years old. The bible looks about that old, too.

This chalkboard shows the last scripture readings that were ever read here.

This chalkboard shows the last scripture readings that were ever read here.

Joshua 24:15.

Joshua 24:15.

The church may be abandoned, but fresh flowers are frequently found draped over the graves.

The church may be abandoned, but fresh flowers are frequently found draped over the graves.

(via Freaktography)

As his custom, the photographer has decided to keep the location of the church unknown in order to preserve the location. You can check out Freaktography’s other projects at, as well as his Facebook page.

People Walked By This Old Church Every Day, But Had No Idea What Was Inside

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