Wednesday, February 25, 2015

14 Annoying (And Embarrassing) Email Fails That Should Be Avoided At All Costs

As much as they don’t want to admit it, most people have made workplace email gaffes. Not only are these mistakes embarrassing, but they’re also well documented (thanks, technology).

The next time you even think about opening Gmail or Outlook, make sure to avoid making these terrible email mistakes. (Or just learn how to hide under your desk without raising suspicions.)

1. Writing something inappropriate in a Reply…and accidentally hitting “Reply All” instead.

Writing something inappropriate in a Reply...and accidentally hitting Reply All instead.

2. Singling out a coworker during an email thread (but they’re not even included in the email).

Singling out a coworker during an email thread (but they

3. Participating in the never-ending email chain that should have stopped 4 hours ago.

Participating in the never-ending email chain that should have stopped 4 hours ago.

4. Inadvertently sending a Wikileaks-style email…to everyone.

Inadvertently sending a Wikileaks-style everyone.

5. Hijacking a serious email thread with an inappropriate reply or .gif.

Hijacking a serious email thread with an inappropriate reply or .gif.

6. Sending an epic reply…when all you needed to say was “Yes” or “No.”

Sending an epic reply...when all you needed to say was Yes or No.

7. Avoiding reply to a particularly unpleasant email (even when a read receipt has been sent).

Avoiding reply to a particularly unpleasant email (even when a read receipt has been sent).

8. Passive aggressively (or straight-up aggressively) CCing a coworker on an email.

Passive aggressively (or straight-up aggressively) CCing a coworker on an email.

9. Accidentally sending that saucy picture you meant to send to your significant other.

Accidentally sending that saucy picture you meant to send to your significant other.

10. Not understanding that, yes, you need to use real words in workplace emails.

Not understanding that, yes, you need to use real words in workplace emails.

11. Sending out a humblebrag (or complainibrag) to the office.

Sending out a humblebrag (or complainibrag) to the office.

12. Forgetting to attach that attachment you were going on about.

Forgetting to attach that attachment you were going on about.

13. Using an obnoxiously image heavy (or huge) signature.

Using an obnoxiously image heavy (or huge) signature.

14. Replying to an email thread 3+ times before anyone else can participate.

Replying to an email thread 3+ times before anyone else can participate.

Just remember, that absurdly inappropriate YouTube video isn’t meant for a workplace email. Just share it on Facebook during your lunch break, like a normal person.

Good luck and godspeed!

14 Annoying (And Embarrassing) Email Fails That Should Be Avoided At All Costs

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