Sunday, February 1, 2015

You"ll Never Wear Makeup Again When You Find Out What Disgusting Things Are In It

Many people use cosmetics on a daily basis. Even if you don’t use makeup products like lipstick or perfume each morning, you probably use necessities like shampoo and lotion (hopefully) a few times a week. We generally think of cosmetics as a way to look fresh and get clean, but some of the substances used in beauty products are downright disgusting. Check out these weird ingredients below, and try not to cringe next time you take a shower.

1. Expensive perfumes contain hardened whale vomit and feces.

Expensive perfumes contain hardened whale vomit and feces.

2. Your shampoo and nail polish probably contain fish scales.

Your shampoo and nail polish probably contain fish scales.

3. Guanine is also found in bird droppings and used for facial treatments in Japan.

Guanine is also found in bird droppings and used for facial treatments in Japan.

4. Your lipstick (and coffee) contains crushed up beetles.

Your lipstick (and coffee) contains crushed up beetles.

5. Bull semen is a luxury product used to treat dry hair.

Bull semen is a luxury product used to treat dry hair.

6. A main component in dynamite is also used in facial scrubs and toothpaste.

A main component in dynamite is also used in facial scrubs and toothpaste.

7. Slimy snail goo is used in high-end facial creams.

Slimy snail goo is used in high-end facial creams.

8. Shark liver oil is used in moisturizers.

Shark liver oil is used in moisturizers.

9. Sheep wool oil is an incredibly common moisturizer.

Sheep wool oil is an incredibly common moisturizer.

10. Infant foreskins are used in fancy face creams and in cruelty-free cosmetic testing.

Infant foreskins are used in fancy face creams and in cruelty-free cosmetic testing.

(via Oddee)

These cosmetic ingredients may seem gross, but considering that most people consume animal products on a regular basis, it’s not that strange when you think about it.

You"ll Never Wear Makeup Again When You Find Out What Disgusting Things Are In It

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