Monday, February 16, 2015

Wrapping Your Hand In Tape May Seem Weird, But It"s Actually A Brilliant Hack

We have five more weeks left in winter, no thanks to a certain groundhog. With this in mind, now is the perfect time to hone in on your gardening skills before spring arrives. Growing your own plants, flowers, and even food requires constant learning, so it’s always nice to get pro tips from the experts.

In this video by Grow Veg, you will learn 10 simple tips on how to go about creating and tending to a successful vegetable garden. These are must know tips for anyone wanting to try their hands at gardening. I especially liked the advice about using the toilet paper roll to help seedlings grow.

(via GrowVeg)

These are just the tip of the iceberg (lettuce) when it comes to awesome gardening advice. If you have any more helpful gardening hints, feel free to drop them in the comments below!

Wrapping Your Hand In Tape May Seem Weird, But It"s Actually A Brilliant Hack

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