Wednesday, February 18, 2015

These 14 Unexpected Things Can Actually Help You Live A Longer Life

If you ever wonder how long you will live, you are not alone. It’s a great mystery for all of mankind. However, in the past few years, researchers have actually found a few key factors in determining whether or not you will live a long and healthy life.

1. Optimists live longer.

Optimists live longer.

2. Skipping leg day can result in a shorter life.

Skipping leg day can result in a shorter life.

3. Having good friends can extend your life.

Having good friends can extend your life.

4. If your mother was on the younger side, it’s a good thing.

If your mother was on the younger side, it

5. Living in a clean house can do wonders.

Living in a clean house can do wonders.

6. A good education can stretch out your life, too.

A good education can stretch out your life, too.

7. Embracing challenges is a good thing.

Embracing challenges is a good thing.

8. Not eating red meat can help you lots.

Not eating red meat can help you lots.

9. Purple foods are apparently a great thing.

Purple foods are apparently a great thing.

10. Being at a healthy weight as a teen is a good sign.

Being at a healthy weight as a teen is a good sign.

11. Consuming tea will also extend your life.

Consuming tea will also extend your life.

12. You walk.

You walk.

13. You don’t drink sodas.

You don

14. If you surround yourself with healthy people.

If you surround yourself with healthy people.

If you want to live to become the world’s oldest person, following these steps will get you a little bit closer. There is no guarantee that you will live to be the oldest human alive, but these healthy tricks will make you live longer than you may have before.

These 14 Unexpected Things Can Actually Help You Live A Longer Life

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