Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Woman Wakes Up At The Morgue After Being Declared Dead To The Shock And Delight Of Her Family.

We’ve all had close calls with death (or at least disaster). Maybe you were in a car accident. Maybe you were nearly hit by an oncoming train. Maybe you were almost caught shoplifting gum.

This grandma had a close call that can’t be beat. Imagine waking up and realizing you had made it all the way to the morgue. That’s exactly what happened to this woman. Her family must be very grateful the workers at the morgue were paying attention and not phoning it in that day.

Meet Janina Kolkiewicz.

Meet Janina Kolkiewicz.

The Morgue.

The Morgue.





Can you imagine what it would be like to receive a second chance? I bet it’d feel like being Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, right? What a miracle.

Woman Wakes Up At The Morgue After Being Declared Dead To The Shock And Delight Of Her Family.

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