Saturday, November 22, 2014

Did Anyone Notice The Similarities Between These Comic Book Characters?

If you are a comic book fan, you may notice something suspicious about certain characters. Between publishers DC and Marvel, there are some very blatant ripoffs in terms of superheroes that are just too similar. Artist Darren Rawlings got to the bottom of these superhero copies and drew the most blatantly similar characters together, showcasing their suspicious similarities.

Ant-Man and Atom

Ant-Man and Atom

Black Lightning and Electro

Black Lightning and Electro

Hawkman and Angel

Hawkman and Angel

Green Lantern and Quasar

Green Lantern and Quasar

Dr. Fate and Dr. Strange

Dr. Fate and Dr. Strange

Mr. Fantastic, Elongated Man, and Plastic Man

Mr. Fantastic, Elongated Man, and Plastic Man

Captain Canuck And Guardian

Captain Canuck And Guardian

Clayface and Sandman

Clayface and Sandman

Cheetah and Tigra

Cheetah and Tigra

Wasp and Bumblebee

Wasp and Bumblebee

Banshee and Silver Banshee

Banshee and Silver Banshee

Martian Manhunter and Vision

Martian Manhunter and Vision

These two not only look similar, but their powers are nearly identical. They both boast superhuman strength, durability, flight, regeneration, self-sustenance, shape-shifting, intangibility, invisibility, telepathy, telekinesis, extrasensory input, and optic blasts.

Deadpool and Deathstroke

Deadpool and Deathstroke

Thor and Captain Marvel

Thor and Captain Marvel

Captain America and Commander Steel

Captain America and Commander Steel

Swamp Thing and Man-Thing

Swamp Thing and Man-Thing

Green Arrow and Hawkeye

Green Arrow and Hawkeye

Ultron and Brainiac

Ultron and Brainiac

Gladiator, Superman, and Hyperion

Gladiator, Superman, and Hyperion

Cat Woman and Black Cat

Cat Woman and Black Cat

Aquaman and Namor

Aquaman and Namor

Moon Knight and Dark Knight

Moon Knight and Dark Knight

Ghost Rider and Atomic Skull

Ghost Rider and Atomic Skull

Quicksilver and The Flash

Quicksilver and The Flash

Darkseid and Thanos

Darkseid and Thanos

Boomerang and Captain Boomerang

Boomerang and Captain Boomerang

Dr. Polaris and Magneto

Dr. Polaris and Magneto

The Hulk and Grundy

The Hulk and Grundy

It’s hard to think how these identical superheroes even made it to the pages of some of the most popular comic book series of all time. Their crazy similarities probably led to some rough name calling aimed at the other company. But hey, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I suppose.

To see more of Darren Rawling’s artwork, visit his online portfolio.

Did Anyone Notice The Similarities Between These Comic Book Characters?

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