Sunday, November 9, 2014

11 Spooky Signs That You Are Probably Living in a Haunted House.

A lot of people visit allegedly haunted houses for a cheap thrill. They don’t take it seriously and leave comforted in the fact that they don’t have to deal with living in a haunted house. For other people, though, a grim fact of life is that they are living in a house that is also inhabited by spirits. (Although, some reportedly like their otherworldly guests.)

If you are suspicious that your house is haunted, these are the tell-tale signs that you are 100% correct. 

1.) Lights going on and off.

1.) Lights going on and off.

2.) Feelings of being touched.

2.) Feelings of being touched.

3.) Unexplained shadows.

3.) Unexplained shadows.

4.) Feelings of being watched.

4.) Feelings of being watched.

5.) Doors opening and closing.

5.) Doors opening and closing.

6.) Unexplainable smells around the house.

6.) Unexplainable smells around the house.

7.) Unexplained noises.

7.) Unexplained noises.

8.) Cold spots or hot spots.

8.) Cold spots or hot spots.

9.) Cries or whimpers.

9.) Cries or whimpers.

10.) Moving or levitating objects.

10.) Moving or levitating objects.

11.) Seeing a ghost.

11.) Seeing a ghost.

If all of these things sound familiar (or maybe just some of them), your house is probably haunted. Make it an attraction and make some money off of it. Or move out and go find a ghost-free house to live in.

11 Spooky Signs That You Are Probably Living in a Haunted House.

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