Saturday, December 20, 2014

Women Are Still Banned From These 10 Things In Various Places Around The World

For everyone who thinks that sexism is a thing of the past, or something that only happens in other countries with different cultural codes, we encourage you to reconsider your position. And it’s not just the more nebulous things that women are excluded from. These are actual written laws that are completely enforceable.

You’ll be surprised to learn that there are some truly bizarre laws out there targeting women specifically, and seemingly for no apparent reason other than that they’re women. Some are terrifying, like the laws that allow domestic violence, and some are just downright confusing. 

1.) Though this law still exists on the books, it gets broken pretty much every week, as you can imagine. Why married but not single women were okay to jump out of a plane remains something of a mystery, law professor James Woodruff explained to a href= that many bizarre laws like this were created for moral reasons in a different time. They stay on because having a law removed is a lot harder than adding one, so everyone just agrees to ignore the ones that no longer make sense.

2.) Yemen is a a href= bad place/a if you

3.) Apparently, a href= is really sensitive/a to suspicious ladies. There

4.) a href= Rights Watch/a describes the Saudi government

5.) Iran isn

6.) This is another law that was likely enacted in the 19th century. Laws like this usually came about during moral panics in an attempt to keep conservative religious values at the forefront of society. However, they never seem to age well. Plus, the logistics of measuring the yardage of clothing on someone

7.) Another place not always known for its progressive stance on things (although that seems to be changing), the Vatican outlawed voting for women and also prevented women from opening bank accounts. However, the bank account law was revoked. Women a href= can

8.) There

9.) It

10.) No, not for health reasons. Why ever would a law car about a woman

Some of these laws might seem comparatively tame compared to others. Some of the more archaic ones, particularly those in the U.S., are largely ignored in modern times.  But the fact still remains that there are laws in place to control people based on nothing but their sex. Equality? Not really. 

Women Are Still Banned From These 10 Things In Various Places Around The World

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