Monday, March 2, 2015

He Poured Chocolate All Over This Book, But The Result? It"s Not What You Think.

Have you ever seen a beautifully decorated dessert and thought, “I wish I could make something like that”? Here’s the thing, you can. This chocolate art tutorial is so easy anyone can do it. All you need is wax paper, and icing or ziplock bag, a printed stencil, and surprisingly…a thick, hardcover book!

Check out the instructions below.

First, print out your stencil. Then trace it onto a piece of wax paper.

First, print out your stencil. Then trace it onto a piece of wax paper.

Next, you’ll need to melt your chocolate almond bark.

Next, you

Use a tiny bit of butter to make your wax paper slick. Fold your paper in half to create a crease. Turn it over so the permanent marker side is facing down. Then trace your design on the paper with an icing or ziplock bag.

Use a tiny bit of butter to make your wax paper slick. Fold your paper in half to create a crease. Turn it over so the permanent marker side is facing down. Then trace your design on the paper with an icing or ziplock bag.

After you’re done tracing, put the wax paper in the middle of a thick, open book and place it in the fridge.

After you

Refrigerate your butterflies until they harden.

Refrigerate your butterflies until they harden.

Slip the paper out of the book and gently peel the chocolate butterfly away.

Slip the paper out of the book and gently peel the chocolate butterfly away.

This is so cool!

This is so cool!

Use it as a garnish on a dessert.

Use it as a garnish on a dessert.

(source We Lived Happily Ever After)

These butterflies would look cute on a chocolate cake and would make an ice cream sundae look elegant. If you liked this project, you can follow Hannah from We Lived Happily Ever After on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.

He Poured Chocolate All Over This Book, But The Result? It"s Not What You Think.

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