Monday, March 2, 2015

Doctors In The Early 1900s Had To Endure Creepy Medical Training You Won"t Believe

Dissection is a dirty job, but I suppose someone has to do it. Good on the brave souls that carry out this messy, disgusting job, as some of the most important achievements in modern medicine were discovered through human dissection. Still, this doesn’t make the act of dissecting a human being any less creepy.

Based on these vintage pictures from the early 1900s, it seems like surgeons back then really loved their jobs. They posed around the bodies they dissected like it was a fellow member of a grim fraternity. Oh, what a time to be alive! (Or dead.)

“Fox” and the boys.

Fox and the boys.

We’re cool with smoking cigars in the dissection room? Cool, cool.


“Such The Vultures Love” is presumably also the name of their super deep indie rock band.

Such The Vultures Love is presumably also the name of their super deep indie rock band.

I don’t like how that leg looks.

I don

Cigars are fine, but dude, you can’t be smoking a pipe up in here. Nobody is gonna take you seriously.

Cigars are fine, but dude, you can

It’s funny because surgeons had no souls!


There are probably about one thousand ghosts in this room right now.

There are probably about one thousand ghosts in this room right now.

See, this sort of thing makes us think the surgeons personally killed their cadavers.

See, this sort of thing makes us think the surgeons personally killed their cadavers.

Is this like the company Christmas card? I don’t understand.

Is this like the company Christmas card? I don

The skull is a nice touch.

The skull is a nice touch.

Something tells me the dude from West Virginia is the most twisted.

Something tells me the dude from West Virginia is the most twisted.

This is secretly just a picture of the ViralNova offices on a Monday.

This is secretly just a picture of the ViralNova offices on a Monday.

Again, I can’t stress how important this time was for medical science. Many vaccines and surgical practices were probably developed by these men. I just wish they didn’t enjoy their job so much.

Doctors In The Early 1900s Had To Endure Creepy Medical Training You Won"t Believe

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