Sunday, January 25, 2015

What These 18 People Did To Their Face Is Incredibly Shocking

A new trend in extreme body modification is sweeping the globe. People everywhere are getting eyeball tattoos.

Yes, you read that correctly. It’s entirely possible to tattoo your eyeball. The process is quite painful, and the results range from mildly spooky to downright demonic. Just check out the photos below if you don’t believe me.

Warning. A few of these pictures show the process of eyeball tattooing, and are not for the faint of heart.

1. Something about her facial tattoo makes her eyes less shocking.

Something about her facial tattoo makes her eyes less shocking.

2. This guy gives blue eyes a whole new meaning.

This guy gives blue eyes a whole new meaning.

3. “Can you see me now?”

Can you see me now?

4. He’s about to suck out your soul.


5. What’s going on with her tongue here?


6. Those eyes…

Those eyes...

7. I wouldn’t want to meet these guys in a dark alley.

I wouldn

8. I don’t think he’s wearing a shirt in this one.

I don

9. This is what I imagine the eyes of demons look like.

This is what I imagine the eyes of demons look like.

10. Don’t get lost in those eyes.


11. Well, that looks painful.

Well, that looks painful.

12. Good to know that having a tattooed eyeball doesn’t disqualify you from working at Comcast.

Good to know that having a tattooed eyeball doesn

13. Those eyes are a haunting shade of purple.

Those eyes are a haunting shade of purple.

14. Ouchies. This is what the eyeball tattoo process looks like.

Ouchies. This is what the eyeball tattoo process looks like.

15. “Why so serious?!”

Why so serious?!

16. His eyes match his hair color.

His eyes match his hair color.

17. Who is scarier looking?

Who is scarier looking?

18. This girl’s eyes are actually beautiful.

This girl

I can certainly see the appeal of being able to change your eyes to whatever color you want. Still, the process of eyeball tattooing looks a little too painful for me to even consider it.

What These 18 People Did To Their Face Is Incredibly Shocking

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