Monday, August 4, 2014

This Dog Was Rescued From Conditions No Animal Should Ever Experience.

There is an unfortunate reality that we need to face: there are millions of animals, all over the world, without homes. It’s impossible to know just how many. Not only that, but there are also countless animals who are being abused or neglected so badly, they’re on the verge of death. 

Leo the Lionheart was one of those neglected dogs. He was found by the Arnprior Humane Society in Ontario. The poor animal was wandering the streets, covered in disgustingly matted fur, with a large chain and padlock around his neck. He was brought into the rescue immediately. 

It was obvious that this dog had a tough life. With some hard work, medicine and love, Leo was able to turn his life around.

Leo was covered with overgrown hair and matted fur.

Leo was covered with overgrown hair and matted fur.

Not only that, but he had a heavy chain and padlock digging into his neck.

Not only that, but he had a heavy chain and padlock digging into his neck.

It was hard to tell he was even a dog.

It was hard to tell he was even a dog.

Each end looked exactly the same: dirty.

Each end looked exactly the same: dirty.

Urine and dirt was soaked into all of his fur.

Urine and dirt was soaked into all of his fur.

His hindquarters were especially dirty.

His hindquarters were especially dirty.

And you could barely make out his front legs.

And you could barely make out his front legs.

Since his fur was so dirty, painful and heavy, they had only one option: shaving Leo.

Since his fur was so dirty, painful and heavy, they had only one option: shaving Leo.

Removing the urine-soaked fur was the first step in cleaning Leo.

Removing the urine-soaked fur was the first step in cleaning Leo.

Over 10 pound of matted hair was shaved off of Leo.

Over 10 pound of matted hair was shaved off of Leo.

Here he is with his vet, Dr. Lea Button from the Valley Veterinary Clinic in Carleton Place, Ontario.

Here he is with his vet, Dr. Lea Button from the Valley Veterinary Clinic in Carleton Place, Ontario.

Once he was shaved, bathed and treated… he was an entirely different dog.

Once he was shaved, bathed and treated... he was an entirely different dog.

He led a rough life, but that didn’t steal the joy from his soul.

He led a rough life, but that didn

The people who rescued him are true heroes.

The people who rescued him are true heroes.

(via Arnprior District Humane Society)

People may not be able to help every animal in need, but you can still do your part. Visit the Humane Society’s website if you would like to donate or become a volunteer. Dogs like Leo need your help, among other animals. 

Click below to share his amazing rescue and transformation with others. His story will touch their hearts.

This Dog Was Rescued From Conditions No Animal Should Ever Experience.

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