Monday, August 4, 2014

This Beautiful Lake Just Appeared Out Of Nowhere In The Desert. Seems Legit?

What would you do if you lived in a desert and beautiful deep blue lake just appeared out of nowhere? Go swimming, consequences or not, am I right? 

That’s exactly what happened in the drought-afflicted region of Gafsa in the north African country of Tunisia. A few weeks ago, local shepherds stumbled across a mysterious lake that hadn’t been there before. Since then, it has become a local hot spot.

However, authorities fear that the water could be radioactive, and have issued warnings against swimming. That hasn’t stopped anyone.


The lake covers about 2.5 acres, and is 32 to 59 feet deep in some spots.

The lake covers about 2.5 acres, and is 32 to 59 feet deep in some spots.

Local officials still have no idea how the lake got here.

Local officials still have no idea how the lake got here.

One theory is that seismic activity might gave caused ground water to flow to the surface.

One theory is that seismic activity might gave caused ground water to flow to the surface.

The biggest concern though, is that the water might be radioactive.

The biggest concern though, is that the water might be radioactive.

Phosphate mining is the region’s main industry, and that activity can leave behind large amounts of radioactive materials.

Phosphate mining is the region

Despite that possibility the locals are undeterred. The so-called “Lac de Gafsa” is the place to be right now.

Despite that possibility the locals are undeterred. The so-called Lac de Gafsa is the place to be right now.

(H/T: GrindTV)

That whole radioactive thing kind of freaks me out. (Hopefully they figure that out soon.) Don’t forget to share this story on Facebook by clicking below.

This Beautiful Lake Just Appeared Out Of Nowhere In The Desert. Seems Legit?

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